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St Michael's Church of England E Primary

School Council

Welcome to our School Council

The children in both teams work hard throughout the year to put forward the voice of the children in school. Look out for some letters that School Council and the Ambassadors send out periodically to keep you informed of events in school. 

This term we will be discussing as a School Council how we can improve the school using ideas from the children. The children will be feed backing in the council the ideas of the children and ways we can keep moving forward as a school in regard to playground equipment, resources and much more. We will also be thinking about what world issues that concern the children and thinking of ways we can support and take an active role in making a difference in the wider community with our Christian Vision at the heart of everything we do.

Your School Councillors are:

Year 1 Daffodils - Fatima & Abdirahman
Year 1 Poppies - Ismail & Haram
Year 2 Primroses - Ahmed & Aisha
Year 2 Bluebells - Raheem & Isla
Year 3 Horse Chestnuts - Maryam & Hassan
Year 3 Willows - Shellann & Taha
Year 4 Birch- Muhammad & Diyanah
Year 4 Sycamore- Aleena & Asher
Year 5 Elm- Yara & Abdan
Year 5 Beech - Ammara & Cassie
Year 6- Teak- Absher & Lano
Year 6 Oak - Haseeb & Alein

A meeting is held every other week to give children from the different groups involved in School Council the opportunity to share ideas and discuss whole school initiatives.  Along with feedback from the children in each class, School Council members organise and advertise a variety of fundraising events and development opportunities for our school.

Our main theme this year is working towards our Wellbeing Award. If you have any ideas, questions or suggestions as parents and families of St Michael’s children please get in touch with either Miss Barnes or Mrs Abbott via the school office office@stmichaelscepbolton.co.uk

School Council are always looking at new initiatives so if you have any ideas, please let us know!